Thursday, December 13, 2018

Led By Divine Design

Led By Divine Design is the first book written by Elder Ronald A. Rasband. It is a compilation of his messages given about the Holy Ghost, how to recognize its influence in our lives, and to seek to have the Spirit with us in all aspects of life. Although this book is a compilation of existing public addresses, it is organized by topic to help it flow better. Some of the material also seemed new to me.

My favorite message from this book was the reminder that the Holy Ghost does not speak in a voice of thunder. He speaks by means of gentle persuasion. However, Elder Rasband warns that if we ignore the promptings of the Spirit, they will become more and more faint and more and more difficult to recognize. But if we act immediately on promptings, we will find that we receive inspiration more and more often, and we will understand it better and better.

Another time he talks about times when we don't feel the Spirit, and maybe find ourselves doubting. Elder Rasband encourages us to think back on times when our faith is strong and our prayers were answered. He promised that if we do this, avoiding things that would seek to tear down our testimonies, the safety and security of the Gospel will return to our hearts and we will be able to find peace while still searching for the answers.

This book also includes one of my favorite messages shared in General Conference. Elder Rasband talks about the time he was asked to accompany Elder Eyring while he assigned missionaries to serve around the world. Elder Rasband initially sat somewhat passively during the session, until Elder Eyring asked him where a certain missionary should go. Elder Rasband replied that he didn't think he could receive that revelation, to which Elder Eyring told him to pay closer attention. Elder Rasband gives a personal witness from his own experience that every mission call comes from the Lord, and every place where a missionary is assigned, or reassigned, is where the Lord wants them to be.

This book is nicely divided into small sections, making it easy to ready a little at a time, or all at once. It has a beautiful cover and some nice pictures inside as well. It is a great reminder of having the Holy Ghost in our lives, and how to live so that we may always have him with us.