S. Michael Wilcox's book House of Glory is incredible. As you can probably guess by the title and by the picture, it is a book about the temple. What I love about it, though, is that I feel like most of the book is the author's testimony. Of course he is constantly quoting from the scriptures and from general authorities, but the book is also filled with his own experiences in the temple. After giving a history of temples, the author explores the meaning of the temple for him and for all of us. I was really impressed towards the beginning of the book when he mentioned that President Ezra Taft Benson never missed his Friday temple trip, choosing to miss other things instead (such as the inaugaration of the new BYU president).
My favorite part of the book, however, comes towards the end. The author is talking about experiences he has had doing family history work. He talks about learning the history of his ancestors and how he imagines their reactions for their temple work being done. The stories are really touching. But more than that, I love some of the quotes he has from general authorities, such as this one from Elder David B. Haight, "I believe that when you diligently seek after your ancestors-in faith-needed information will come to ou even when no mortal records of their livs are available." Elder Melvin J. Ballard said, "They [your ancestors] know where their records are . . . If there is anywhere on earth anything concerning them, you will find it."
This book really made me want to dedicate myself more to the temple. I have not made it a central part of my life as I should. But I know that if I immerse myself in the Gospel and in family history work, I would mourn if I could not go weekly. One last quote from the book comes from Wilford Woodruff: "If the veil were lifted off the face of the Latter-day Saints, and they could see and know the things of God as they do who are laboring for the salvation of the human family who are in the spirit world . . . , this whole people, with very few, if any, exceptions, would lose all interest in the riches of the world, and instead thereof their whole desires and labors would be directed to to redeem their dead." I hope to catch a glimpse of that vision. This book gave me a resolve to be more spiritually dedicated.
That Wilford Woodruff quote is in Andrew Skinners Temple book that Eddie and I finished reading a few months ago. On the way home from Utah yesterday, Eddie listened to House of Glory on CD. He was also very impressed by S. Michael Wilcox' great testimony and experiences! Awesome book!
ReplyDeleteThat's great! I'm really glad that Eddie liked it! I haven't read Andrew Skinner's book yet. I was planning on making Truman Madsen's be my next book, but do you think I should read Skinner's first? I'm sorry that I missed you guys while you were here. I'll probably call you tomorrow to work out the details of my trip in a couple weeks.