Monday, June 30, 2014

Missionary Pal

Missionary Pal: Reference Guide for Missionaries and Teachers is a book edited by Keith Marston that contains a compilation of various Gospel topics and then lists scriptures that teach about that topic, especially drawing from the Bible. A majority of the topics listed are connected to the missionary lessons and questions that investigators may have.

In addition to providing scripture references for a variety of topics, it also occasionally includes information not found in the scriptures, but which may be of interest to the reader. For example, it borrows information from Foxe's Book of the Martyrs to give a brief summary of how early church leaders died. It also includes personal testimonies of the Three Witnesses of the Book of Mormon.

My only concern with this book is its editing. Misspellings were frequent throughout the book and sometimes there were repeat scriptures under the same topic, as if someone was just copying and pasting the information and accidentally pasted it twice on the same page. This book is now out of print, but if it were still in print, my suggestion is to have a good editor go through it, fix these minor mistakes, and the book would be a terrific resource tool.

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