Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Life Everlasting

This is the modern cover of the book
During my time working at Deseret Book, I have noticed that Life Everlasting by Duane Crowther is a classic bestseller. I assumed the book talked about exaltation and the blessings thereof. Apparently, that only covered one chapter in the book (the very last chapter, I might add). As a whole, Crowther's book deals with the journey that begins beyond death--a subject he was inspired to pursue when his daughter was dying of Leukemia.
The first half of the book deals specifically with the spirit world. I found this part of the book absolutely fascinating! The content came from scriptural passages, statements by Church leaders, and actual experiences of latter-day saints. There were many times where I felt great comfort and peace as I read different accounts. Many questions I had were answered, although I admit that new questions came up, and some old questions still remain. To me, the entire book is worth reading just for this portion alone.
The book goes on to explain the doctrines of resurrection, the final judgment, and the different rewards available afterwards. This part of the book felt a little more tedious to me than the rest, but it was still good. I really liked how the author will flat out state that his opinion is not doctrine, but then he explains through scripture and quotes from general authorities why he carries that opinion.
During the entire reading, I noticed two or three times where the author did not get a fact straight. However, I read the copy given to my Grandpa Wanlass in 1968. There is a good chance that these few small errors have been corrected in more recent editions of this book. I really loved this book and I strongly recommend it.

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