Thursday, February 7, 2013

Mormons and Masons

I purchased Mormons and Masons by Matthew B. Brown quite a while ago because of my interest on the subject. My curiosity on the subject began during the semester I spent in Nauvoo, and it has only grown from there. When I read this book, I was very impressed with the author’s depth of study, his explanations, and his courtesy.

I read the book because I wanted a better understanding of fact vs. fiction regarding this subject. To my surprise, he didn’t really address this until the last chapter of the book. Brown spends a great deal of time discussing the history of freemasonry, and its history certainly is fascinating. The research dispels many rumors and fantastical notions regarding this organization.

One of my favorite parts of this book was where the author shows how the Lord began restoring principles pertaining to the temple as early as 1823. The details he cites both from historical accounts and from the Doctrine and Covenants really made me appreciate how perfectly the Lord was preparing Joseph Smith and the world for the restoration of temple blessings. Overall, I found this book very uplifting and satisfying to read.

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