Thursday, July 17, 2014

To the Parting Missionary

This is more of a pamphlet than a book, but it is on my shelf so I am going to count it on this book blog. Don J. Black wrote this little pamphlet called To the Parting Missionary. As you can surely guess, it is a little book of suggestions and recommendations to help a missionary succeed on his/her mission.

The pamphlet is only 15 pages, which lends itself to being used as a quick note/reminder to missionaries. Some of these reminders are positive, such as reminding the missionary to be both happy and enthusiastic. Some reminders are instructive, such as the counsel to keep a journal and to serve honorably. However, to my surprise, the first piece of advice was very sobering.
It was a reminder that Satan is very well aware of missionary work and he seeks to thwart it. Prospective missionaries need to be aware of this as they prepare to leave, as the adversary will do all he can to keep them from going. But then the author reminds us that despite his attempts, Satan can never overpower us unless we let him. Don’t let him!

It is a simple and quick read, but these thoughts could be great daily reminders for missionaries.

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